The story behind the egg making...
First, the copper wire has to be wound off the roll - something that is done by hooking one end of the wire onto your big toe!
Then the wire is cut into equal lengths
The cut wires are then placed on a length of sellotape ( the artisans call it "bandage"
The egg is then placed on top of the secured copper wires
The wires are then wrapped around the egg, cut and folded neatly
At this stage, the first line of weaving can begin.
Weaving the egg:
The women work with their beads on their laps, legs stretched out.
These pictures show different eggs at different stages of completion.
Closing the egg:
When the egg is close to closure, a piece of wire or large safety pin is used to "cut" a circle in the shell.
The egg is then shaken into a receptacle, to be saved for food
The safety pin pulls out the remaining shell
The open hole is now woven closed with wire & Beads